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By Orcanbull
#53045 Hi all,

Somehow i bricked one of my ESP8266. On the picture you can see two identical setups, both contain the same code. However the ESP on the Left continuously has its LED on and spits out a bunch of gibberish onto the serial port.

My best quess was that that ESP does not leave flash mode. I can still upload new programs to the ESP using the arduino IDE for ESP. I also used ESPTOOL to flash the ESP but no luck there. All pins are measured and checked and a identical to the ESP on the Right. Any guesses on how to fix the ESP?

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By Barnabybear
#53051 Hi, the solder joint on Vcc doesn't look great (could be dry) it might be worth reflowing that as it could be reseting due to lack of power when wifi is transmitting (power demand goes up from 70mA to 250mA).
When you checked the voltages did you have the probe on the ESP pad or the solder joint?
The constant LED usualy means:
Constant reseting - power.
Crashing and reseting - code.
Incorrect GPIO's at boot - GPIO 0 High, GPIO 2 High & GPIO 15 Low.
Is this happening streight after flashing, after power cycling or both?
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By Orcanbull
#53053 Hi Barnabybear,

Thanks for the Fast responds,

I checked the connections, on the pads of the ESP there is a solid connection to the PCB, i also dont see a voltage drop which would happen if there wouldn't be sufficient power for the ESP.
Well the first time it happened was after restarting , so it was running correctly but when i replugged the power the led went on. Now it happends any time, after flashing, starting up, resetting,

It does see the GPIO -0 and Reset correct at least, since when i reset it which GPIO-0 LOW it remains in flash state. When i reset it with GPIO-0 high the led turns on.

GPIO-15 is LOW, GPIO -2 is HIGH

The wierd thing is though if i apply 3v3 to GPIO-2 with a sepparate wire, the led turns of, so i resetted it whith the wire connected, but the moment i get rid of the wire the led turns . However the Giberrish on the Serial does not go away.