So I got at the end of last week on the esp bbs ( some code to play with (H)SPI, I just noticed that the ~same piece of code is now part of the SDK 0.9.5 (IoT_Demo\driver\spi.c). Not sure if anyone here got the code working to use the ESP as an SPI slave if so I'm curious to have a look at the code .
What I've done is hook up an mbed with a simple counter spitting out the value on the SPI port (as master). If I just run spi_test_init() nothing is printed out on the serial line of the ESP, however the ISR is triggered so I tried to play a bit with the code, I can see some of the data received by inspecting the SPI_W0 register by adding a print statement: However it's just a subset of the values and quite often goes wrong.
if(regvalue & SPI_SLV_WR_BUF_DONE) {
uint8* data = (uint8*)SPI_W0(HSPI);
os_printf("%d %d %d %d\n", data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]);
Few things I'm wondering about, the first one being the use of the chip select line; from what I got the CS pin is GPIO15 (HSPICS) but I have to pull it low for the ESP to boot (is it used by the flash ?). Secondly, few registers are defined from SPI_W0 to SPI_W15 , however the code only uses SPI_W0 to SPI_W8 any idea why ? Are those registers multiplexed with the Flash read/write ? and finally how do you keep track of the last register used for writing the last received byte, should we just keep track of it in the code starting from 0 on boot ?
EDIT1: Going through the code once more I've noticed the code below, it fairly clearly stated that C8-C15 are for the slave output data
EDIT2: Okay so kind of got something working, on line ~385 in spi.c after the comment I added
0xfc 0x1b
0x20 0x3f
0x64 0x83
0x88 0xa7
0xcc 0xeb
0xf0 0x0f
0x34 0x53