Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By Shabbir
#9013 I am trying to connect the esp 8266 to the arduino and trying to control a bulb using it. But there is a problem flashing the firmware.
I made the connections according to the following link:
I also connected the GPIO0 to gnd and rst,chpd,GPIO2 to 3.3v
But there is an error in flashing the firmware . "failed to connect".
Also there is no response in the serial monitor for the AT commands. The serial monitor says "connection timeout"
Please help!!
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By kenn
#9068 Sounds like your serial connection isn't working.

If you connect your ESP8266 serial to your computer, start a terminal, then power up the ESP8266, what do you see on the terminal? From the factory they come with the AT firmware installed, so when the ESP8266 power up, they will barf out some junk to the terminal, then they say 'ready' and give you a prompt. Do you see this?

If you only see junk, then maybe you have the wrong baud rate set on your terminal. try 115200, try 9600.

If you never see output from the ESP8266 on your terminal, then you have a serial connection problem, and of course you can't flash the firmware without that working.
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By alonewolfx2
#9118 link contains arduino to esp comunication example. you can't use that connections for firmware upload.
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By Shabbir
#9125 We tried both the baud rates but to no success...
What connections do we need to make for the firmware upload then???
The esp doesnt respond to the AT commands or just gives junk values.
Please help...