Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By LarsS
#9109 I have connected ESP8266 to an USB to serial interface like this:
RX -> TX
TX -> RX
VCC -> 3,3V
CH_PD -> 3,3V via 10K pull up
GPIO0 -> 3,3V via 10K pull up
Gnd -> gnd

When I use PUTTY terminal emulator I get a message" [System Ready,"
When I try to send AT commands I just get the AT command repeated sent back. Like this:

AT ->AT (Should be OK)
AT+CIOBAUD? -> AT+CIOBAUD? (Should in my case be 9600)

Why do I not get the correct response from ESP8266?

Best regards
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By lethe
#9117 The ESP expects CRLF line endings with newer firmware revisions. There are setting in putty to enforce this: under "Terminal" check "Implicit CR in every LF" and "Implicit LF in every CR", that should do the trick...
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By Anutrix
#32024 Hello Everyone,
I am newbie here and am working on kind of wifi-controlled Vehicle(Car or maybe Hovercraft later).
My ESP8266 repeats the commands I use. For example,AT gives AT, AT+GWR gives AT+GWR, dabdabik gives dabdabik,etc.
I use Arduino Uno to send commands as I don't have FTDI related stuff(USB to Serial Converter). I use AA cells for power supply(1.5v*2=3v). I don't even have 3.3 volt direct supply. I use Arduino IDE Serial Monitor. I connected Arduino TX to ESP8266 RX via voltage divider(1.66Kohm(TX) and 1.66Kohm(GND)->3.29 Ohm(RX)).
My Connections are:
ESP8266----------------Arduino Uno
TX---Voltage divider---RX(d0)
Sometimes it gives garbage otherwise repeats(weird). Garbage ONLY changes if baud rate is changed.
I flashed it(it seemed) with AT 9.5.2 firmware. Flashing works rarely ONLY with TX to TX connected directly without voltage divider.
Tried as much as I could after searching the web and esp8266 forum but still couldn't solve problem.
Please help. I am student in a small town(Manipal) in Southern India so no good stores nearby and I don't want to buy FTDI friend or anything else on-line.(SOORY).
I am a bit new to electronics, but I am a C++ programmer and student so SORRY for my noobiness and English.
And Thank you in advance.