Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By bkenobi
#72137 I'm planning to buy a few new board and wanted a recommendation. I have a NodeMCU v0.9 and Wemos D1 that I've tinkered with (both ESP-12). I was debating whether to go NodeMCU v2 or D1 mini but then I saw the D1 pro has a better antenna. The price is similar for all, I was just hoping to hear which is the most reliable/stable, compatibility considerations, etc.
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By ptribbey
#72148 I have had great luck with all forms of the 8266 except for a few esp-01 from china. The d1s are good for stacking shields of course, and the nodemcu are great for I/O. I generally just run esp-12 bare.
For what it's worth. Good luck.
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By bkenobi
#72194 Oh wow. I assumed the antenna was just an optional plug in type item. If not installed, it would just utilize the inboard antenna. I have some of those smd antenna connectors I considered for another project, but the smd resistors are rediculously small. I got one stuck to my soldering iron years ago and it was a challenge removing it in a usable way (didn't, cooked it).

I think I'll stick to the mini then.