I've connected my FLASH (25Q80) in DIO mode by leaving WP and HOLD to Vdd.
Then, I programmed the bootloader with DIO parameter set
python esptool.py --port COM2 --baud 460800 write_flash -fs 8m -ff 40m -fm dio 0x0000 ..\default_binaries\boot_v1.6.bin
And is working just fine.
Now programming the rest of binaries in QIO mode (default) have no more impact.
Even more, leaving gen_appbin in QIO mode have no impact.
So why specifying FLASH MODE in so many scripts if ESP chip reads only bootloader parameters?
Can somebody confirm this?
BTW, I am using gen_appbin from esp_iot_sdk_v1.3.0 since all above, use the 7'th argument (user.bin) that is not doccumented.
Why is that?