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By noodlesuk
#79339 Hi

I have several ESP8266-01 based data monitors, that on startup create an AP using:-
Code: Select allWiFi.softAP(ssid, password)

for a short period of time, to allow configuration of the ESP8266 via a webpage (SSID, Pass etc). Then after a timeout occurs, it uses these settings to connect to my router and update data to my server, by:-

Code: Select allWiFi.begin(ssid, password)

This has all worked fine for about a year or so, then yesterday, after a powercut I noticed all the ESP8266 devices were stuck trying to create an AP. It appears that my new mesh network is somehow interfering with the ESP8266 devices. Once they are out of AP mode, they work fine. I have tested this by turning my mesh network off and then back on.

From the docs, ESP8266 AP uses Wifi channel 1, whilst my mesh system uses 6. So they shouldn't overlap. But it appears that they connot create an AP, whilst the mesh network is on.

Has anyone seen this behavior before?
