- Sat Nov 22, 2014 3:50 pm
I have some of those too. They run at 9600 bauds. Would have been much better to route the programming pin to the header instead of reset. As these are, unless you cut a trace that is pretty short and close to the chip, they cannot be reprogrammed.
Mine have firmware version 0018000902, which is usable, but it would have been nice to be able to upgrade to a version that supports 115200 bauds. Interestingly, at boot up, they seem to briefly output some data much faster than 9600 bauds, then revert to 9600 bauds with a web site:
[System Ready, Vendor:www.ai-thinker.com]
The web site points to a Chinese forum,not tried to translate it yet.
I want to use them for a project where I will need a dozen or so (and I will need an external antenna), I certainly do not want to have to hack at a dozen boards, so I will have to pick another module. The good news is that at that price, it wont break the bank