A friend game me an esp-12 on a dev board, very similar to this (perhaps the same):
http://www.ebay.com/itm/ESP8266-WIFI-Se ... SwLVZVgSmV
I want to put it into a battery powered project, so don't want to be powering all those LEDs. I managed to desolder the esp-12 from the dev board and get it wired into a breadboard. Here's my setup.
* arduino IDE 1.6.5 with stable github.com/esp8266/arduino installed
* sparkfun FTDI Basic 3v3
* latest official FTDI drivers for mac os x 10.10
* esp-12 GND -- ftdi GND
* esp-12 VCC -- ftdi 3v3
* esp-12 TX -- ftdi RXI
* esp-12 RX -- ftdi TXO
* esp-12 GPIO15 -- pulldown 4k7
* esp-12 GPIO0 -- pulldown 4k7
* esp-12 CH_PD -- pullup 4k7
* esp-12 REST -- pullup 4k7
* esp-12 REST -- ftdi DTR
It was working fine before I desoldered it, though I think I had it wired differently. I'm pretty new to esp8266 and electronics, so it's entirely possible that I just fried something. I did check that none of the esp-12 pins/pads are shorted to their neighbors.
Here's the sketch:
void setup() {
void loop() {
After uploading I try to open the serial monitor but it says /dev/tty.usbserial device isn't available. I try unplugging it, removing the GPIO0 pulldown and plugging it back in but it still can't find the device. I remove the GPIO15 pulldown, add GPIO0 pullup, and I can connect the serial monitor but no output.
Did I wire it up correctly? Did I perhaps ruin something?