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By tvasudev007
#35224 My problem is

case 1:

step 1:
On powering circuit:

gpio 00 -> Led positive
common gnd

Led state-> OFF

Using openHAB I send ON command -> LED ON
OFF command -> LED OFF

step 2:

openHAB ON -> LED ON

It works perfect with LED. and also with Arduino UNO . Initial reading of UNO is LOW.

Case 2:

On powering circuit:

gpio 00 -> Relay input
common gnd

Relay state-> ON . Input pin is HIGH unlike in the case of LED.By default it is in the ON state.

Using openHAB I send OFF command ->Relay OFF
ON command -> Relay ON

step 2:

openHAB ON -> Relay ON
openHAB OFF -> Relay OFF

Facing problem with relay & attiny85. Initial reading is ON unlike in case 1.

I think, I am facing this issue with the devices that do not have pull-up/pull-down resistors. I am not using any transistors etc., for switching.
Should I make changes in the circuit. ??