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By kergad
#44199 Hi guys,

I would like to plug a microphone MAX4466 ( on my board ESP8266 CH34x to be able to record 10s and send to a server thought the wifi connection.

My goal is to make a device who record the surrounding sound when a trigger is activate.

I found the microphone but I'm not the board ESP8266 has the capability to record sound. I'm not an expert but I think codec are necessary to record sound?

Since I only need a sample of 5 to 10s of recording, even a low quality 8Khz WAV will be enough.

NOTE: I found this project made on Photo (, but can it be possible with a ESP8266 base?

If someone has already make a sound recorder with that device, let me know :D
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By vcch
#59178 You dont need a codec if you send a .wav sound.
WIth 8 bits / 4 KHz you can have a minimum quality. This is 40 Kb for a 10 seconds sample. You might need to split it in two files (there are limitations on the file size), but no problem.

To push it to your computer you can just setup a webserver. You have an example here pushing a mp3 file, but if you use the .wav extension it should work : ... free-wifi/