I would like to plug a microphone MAX4466 (https://www.adafruit.com/products/1063) on my board ESP8266 CH34x to be able to record 10s and send to a server thought the wifi connection.
My goal is to make a device who record the surrounding sound when a trigger is activate.
I found the microphone but I'm not the board ESP8266 has the capability to record sound. I'm not an expert but I think codec are necessary to record sound?
Since I only need a sample of 5 to 10s of recording, even a low quality 8Khz WAV will be enough.
NOTE: I found this project made on Photo (https://www.hackster.io/middleca/sending-sound-over-the-internet-f097b4), but can it be possible with a ESP8266 base?
If someone has already make a sound recorder with that device, let me know