A place to put your YouTube video that is ESP8266 related.

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By Barnabybear
#45781 Hi, its not a problem I've had lots of help it the past.
The display on GPIOs 4 & 5 shouldn't be a problem. Just have a quick check of your wiring again please as it looks like you have been using ESP8266-12 examples for your set up, which is fine as the breakout postions differ but the names will be correct. One difference that could be tricky is that GPIO 0 & GPIO15 are in simalar postions but swapped between the -12 and the wroom 2 . If you pulled GPIO15 to Vcc thinking it was GPIO 0, with the 'flash mode' wiring all would be ok but 'normal mode' would not work.

3V3 -> Vcc & display.
GPIO 0 -> Vcc via 10K (normal mode) or Gnd (Flash mode).
GPIO 2 -> Vcc via 10K.
GPIO 4 -> display.
GPIO 5 -> display.
GPIO 15 -> Gnd.
EN -> Vcc.
Gnd -> Gnd & display.
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By Nightmystic
#45790 I know, thats why looked very good at the backside of the wroom 2 since it has al the pins described on it.

I connected everything like you indicated, issue remains.

Unit is most probably bad.

I'll wait for the nodeMcu I ordered and pray that it will function as expected.

I pulled this esp 13 (Wroom 2) from a Wi-fi shield (using the oven) that was flashed the wrong way and I did not know how to flash it.

Still strange I can flash it but not use it in normal mode