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By makerstream
#58281 NodeMCU V2 ESP8266 ESP-12E Flashing Update Firmware using esptool.py Python in windows CMD Tutorial 2.
How to flash or upgrade NodeMCU V2 v1.0 ESP 12E firmware using esptool in windows command prompt with Python.

Item Required:
1. NodeMCU V2 (Hardware) - http://www.aliexpress.com/wholesale?Sea ... nodemcu+v2
2. ESPlorer (Software) - http://esp8266.ru/esplorer/
3. Python 2.7.x (Software) - https://www.python.org/downloads/
4. CMD (windows)
5. NodeMCU Firmware (Firmware) - https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-firmware/releases

NOTE (Item):
1. You may use Arduino IDE serial monitor as a replacement for ESPlorer.
2. Download firmware from DEV branch. There will be next tutorial for MASTER branch firmware.
3. There are two ways of installation of esptool.py :
a. EASY: using “pip install esptool” (Internet connection is required)
b. MANUAL: https://github.com/themadinventor/esptool

1. Prepare all the hardware required.
2. Download and install Python 2.7.x.
3. Configure Python in CMD (windows) by setting PATH environment.
4. Download esptool.py using Python pip inside CMD.
5. Download ESPlorer.
6. Download the latest NodeMCU Firmware.
7. Connect and upload the latest firmware using esptool.py.
8. Check the latest version of firmware using ESPlorer.

Link for this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHrm7axsImI

NOTE (Steps):
1. For the time being, use python 2.7.x ONLY. Python 3.5.x may cause an error while download esptool package.
2. Install Python in shorter link folder such as “C:\Python27”
3. Run script inside CMD with Python configured. DO NOT RUN script inside Python Shell or Command Line.
4. PASTE binary file in the same folder where esptool.py is installed. In this case is “C:\Python27\Scripts”.

1. Download esptool.py from pypi via pip (easy installation):
“pip install esptool”
2. Erase existing firmware:
“ esptool.py --port [serial-port-of-ESP8266] --baud 115200 erase_flash ”
3. Upload new firmware:
Mode = dio (for 4MByte NodeMCU V2)
Mode = qio (for 512 kByte ESP8266 Module)
Size = 32m (for 4MByte NodeMCU V2)
Size = 4m (for 512 kByte ESP8266 Module)
serial-port-of-ESP8266 = COMx (Windows)
serial-port-of-ESP8266 = /dev/ttyUSB0 (linux)
“ esptool.py --port [serial-port-of-ESP8266] write_flash -fm [mode] -fs [size] 0x00000 [nodemcu-firmware].bin “

NOTE (Script):
1. Default baud is 9600. Will be using 115200 for writing flash as it is faster. But make sure baud rate is set to 9600 when running NodeMCU v2 in ESPlorer.
2. You NEED to include –fm and –fs inside the script when writing flash. If not, NodeMCU V2 is unable to read/boot firmware properly in ESPlorer even though flashing is successful.

Watch MORE Tutorial video on MakerStream YouTube Channel (Refer link in signature below)