Questions with regards to ESP8266 Basic and hardware interfacing and control via Basic commands

Moderator: Mmiscool

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By its1000
#68960 Hi guys
I have tried to pilot OLED screen from Basic ESP. it works perfect with the 128x64 screen.
I also tried with the 128x32, but this one is seen as a 128x64 and so the draw is not great.

if you can add the support of this screen would be nice.

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By QuickFix
its1000 wrote:I also tried with the 128x32, but this one is seen as a 128x64 and so the draw is not great.

This is actually not the fault of the library (I'm using Arduino BTW), but of the board: the I2C 128x32 OLED is actually (in hardware) a 128x64 display where only the odd (or even, can't remember) rows are used. :idea:

ImageThe one I'm talking about is the one on the far right.

So for the row (Y-axis) positions in your code, you'll have to double everything.
Note that this is also true for fonts: they will look very odd (chopped off tops or bottoms) when not taking into account the missing in-between lines.

It is perfectly doable, but can be a pain to get it right.
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By its1000
#68978 Thank you very much for this clear explanation.
so with the Basic interpreter I think the management can't be easily implemented.
not a huge issue to be honnest. it's yet fantastic to be able to use the square version of the oled screen !

I think for the font, nothing to do,
for the graphic, I'll try to use the only even or odd option to see if I can get a nice square or line !