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By Vishal dhayalan
#60555 Hey, thanks a lot to everyone in this community and others who are working hard to develop and support this esp8266 board and make the most out of it!
There are many websites with lots of new and different information on this module, and some are very controficting and leads to confusions. I want to know what is the difference between the MOSI, MISO, SCLK, CS pins and the HMOSI, HMISO, HSCLK, HCS pins??

And I also heard that GPIO6 to GPIO11 arent 'really' GPIOs and cant be used for that because they are used for the chip's flash memory and internal workings, is this true? And if so then why are they given access to with breakout pins? Can they be programmed to be used as GPIOs? As if not, it removes almost half of the GPIOs in the board...

Thank you to everyone :D