I m trying to build a home automation novadays. But i have some trouble.
Basicly i have 2 nodes for now. one is Arduino Uno with ethernet shield. second one is arduino meag witih esp8266. Finally, i want to connect them to openHAB served in my laptop.
I can connect the uno with ethernet shield to openHAB and basicly i can control the leds and relays over it.
But my trouble is about connection of Arduino Mega with esp8266. I cant connect it to openHAB and control the leds and relays over mega. I made some research over internet and tried many kind of combination of wiring and also codes. but i cant control the relays and leds over mega with esp.
Normally i hate to ask this. but can someone help me about this issue. I need really a help how to wire the esp8266 to arduino and how to code it to control the leds.
Please help me. I m really shying to ask this. but i m driving crazy not to be able to make this.
best regards.