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By Victor Araujo
#60853 Hello guys.

There is a lot of tutorials at the WEB about connect the arduino and ESP8266, and reading a lot of these, I got confused.. Because there is a lot of ways to do what I want to do..

What I want to do:
Simple: Connect my Arduino UNO to my router using the ESP8266. Then, create a HTML page in my computer, and send a command to turn ON a LED connected to the arduino. Then, I want to press a button connected to the Arduino, and show the result at the same web page.

Where I can start? I know how to turn a LED ON using an Arduino, but I don't know how to connect to the ESP8266 and do all of these..

Is there a good tutorial where I can start with? Could you please suggest me a link, book or article to follow the instructions?

Thank you so much for the help. :P