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By Vignesh JM
#60887 Hello...I am making a self driving car....I just need internet connection to Arduino so I bought the esp8266 module. I am really new to this module. I just need to connect the module to wifi and supply to Arduino...How can I do it . Pls tell me about the connections and coding and why should I update my firmware. Thank you :)
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By wrightmac
#60920 It is a pretty easy connection. The TX and RX need connected from the ESP-01 (this is the module I used).

Connect the ESP Vcc to the 3.3v of the Arduino. The ESP is pretty picky about the power requirements.
Connect the ESP to ground.
The Reset or EN pin goes to ground. This allows for serial communication.
TX goes to TX and RX goes to RX on both the ESP and Arduino, as you are not talking to the ESP but talking through the ESP.
The CH_PD pin on the ESP goes to power. (They say you have to have this pin to power, but I have had it work without. Not sure if it was a fluke so keep it to power).

From the Arduino IDE you can select Tools -> Serial Monitor and set the serial baud rate. You should be able to send AT commands from here.

Hope this helps.