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By meowsqueak
#69346 I appreciate that it's a very vague description. Here are the requested photos.


I bought it from here:
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By schufti
QuickFix wrote:Every ESP should be able to communicate at *all* baudrates; I haven't heard of a *Locked* baud rate before. :?

During boot it is "locked" to 74880 and in "AT mode" it is fixed to 115200 (no autobaud), so this observation is correct.

During flash the obtainable baudrate seems to depend on ??? I have nodemcu's that can be flashed at 921600 but most are only stable at 256000. Cable? chip? pcb design? I don't know. On ESP-01 with external USB/serial converter I usually can't go higher than 115200.

Edit: seeing your pcb, I can just refer to the last sentence of my statement above.
1st thing i would do: keep connections between USB/serial converter as short as possible, then I would populate the empty spaces for electrolytic capacitors.
Are you suplying the module via 3.3V or VCC pins?