- Wed Sep 27, 2017 1:54 pm
I finally got something working.
First the ESP8266 ESP12-F:
- found out communication works if GPIO0 is left floating and GPIO15 to GND and GPIO0, CH_PD to 3.3V.
- remainder of responses: see my previous post. Basically I think what it said is that the ESP12-F has an AT+GMRAT version: 11 2016). Also some other text (see previous post) of which I understand nothing.
- using AT+UART? it responded with 115200; I the issued the command AT+UART=9600,8,1,0,3
Response= ok
- since then no meaningfull comms anymore, not on 9600 nor any other speed
- next step: reflash with different firmware. Any suggestiosn please?
Then the Node MCU v1.0:
- used the same wiring (SPI_CS2 floating, CH_PD and GPIO2 to 3.3V)
- no communications
- when put in flash mode (GPIO0 or SPI_CS2 to GND) some text:
ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:1, boot mode:(3,0)- then I tried to flash, succesfully: v0.9.2.2 AT Firmware.bin
- since then I get responses; but AT+UART does not work, I have to use AT+CIOBAUD etc, the other commands still to find out.
- UART speed: 9600, which is about actually what I want: using software serial when connected to Arduino Uno I have to keep speeds below 56000 baud, so 38400 is the best I can use on ESP8266.
Further questions:
1. Where can I download the most recent reliable original firmware for A. the Node MCU v1.0 and B. for ESP12-F units?
2. Is there some manual available because I would not know how to flash multiple files and use the correct memory allocations
3. Is there a difference in AT commands between firmware issues, and if so, where do I find documentation on that?
4. Is it true that the firmware gets thrashed when using the Arduino IDE to download software (incl bootloader), and if so what are the consequences/inconveniences/advantages/disadvantages/... ?
5. What is the most convenient non-Arduino IDE to write/compile/download software into the ESP8266?
Thanks for any responses!
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