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By riker1
#73446 Hi
I am wondering how to control a esp-01s
with at firmware via web

can connect to wifi and ping it .
but that is all.
is there a port which is open ?

even tried it with esprewsif android app, but was not able to control anything.

how to handle the ai thinker stuff, still unclear to me.

Thanks T
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By QuickFix
#73452 Can you remember the good old telephone modems from the old age?
Actually, a new ESP8266 with the default firmware is nothing more than that, the only difference is that the "Phone-line" side of the module is an (WiFi) antenna. :)

You can "Talk" to the ESP over serial using AT-codes (similar to the Hayes command-set of old Phone modems), but not from the WiFi side of the line (analog to the Phone-line in an old Phone modem, you can call it, but the modem will not answer by itself).

If you have special needs, you'll have to use (or write you own) special firmware and flash it. :idea: