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By jpoppinmoneyunit
#75097 Yea I was using the esp8266-01 (8 pin header) because I have quite a few of them lying around. Therefore I can't use other gpio pins besides GPIO00 and GPIO02. Those pins also can't be pulled to ground during boot up or it could enter programming mode. Do the other GPIO's not have the boot up spike as well on the higher boards?

I like the mosfet idea. I actually am using an N-channel set up now. Would have to order p-channel.

Programming is not my strength hence the use of the st_anything libraries including using the Arduino sketches.

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By kee
#75234 probably use a low-level trigger relay? it may looks bulky and ugly, and may not fit.
ESP-01 boot up pin state is default to high, set your pin state high in "setup" to make sure it won't go low.
Just my 2 cents, or probably you already tried that :)