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#76227 Hi All, I just started playing with SPIFFS following this excellent resource ... P8266.html by Pieter P

There is one example in this resource (a Data Logger) where a Temp Sensor (DS18B20) is connected to a esp8266 (Wemos D1 Mini in my case). The code on the ESP generates a CSV file and saved to SPIFFS containing a time stamp and recorded temperature. The CSV file is parsed by javascript and passed to the HTML file which displays a graph of time verse temperature.

So my question is (and I have been searching everywhere but can find anything to explain this) how do I pass a value, in my case a temperature reading, and have the HTML file display it without having to save a file like the example I gave above. I want to be able to collect the temp value, and have the HTML file display this value. I have done this by dynamically generating the HTML file but now the HTML file resides in SPIFFS?

Sorry for the long winded question, I just want to make sure people understand what I mean.
