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By Nesvarbu
#76177 Hi Everyone,

I have ESP8266 ESP-07 and I also have NodeMCU... Now NodeMCU works as expected and it since it has USB connection it's pretty trivial to connect to my Mac and use it from Arduino-IDE.
I also got ESP8266 ESP-07 and I saw plenty of examples on the internet where you can user either arduino Uno, or usb-to-uart adapter, the problem is I don't have either of those. I only have NodeMCU (and attiny), I was able to program attiny from NodeMCU, so I was wondering if it's possible to upload sketches from NodeMCU to ESP-07. I'm pretty sure the answer is yes... but if someone could point me at the right direction...
Should I try connecting connecting MISO, MOSI, SCK and RESET pins and use the AVRISP sketch? Or is it tx -> tx and rx->rx and connecting reset to ground? If someone could help me out I'd really appreciate it :)
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By Nesvarbu
Luc Volders wrote:Same question was posted by another board member.

Try adapting this:



Thank you so much! I've looked all over the internet, but all the hits I've got was for the arduino to esp8266 or esp8266 to arduino. This looks exactly what I need! :)