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By DerHexer
#76856 Thanx for having an eye on my problem! I have several ESP to switch lights in the house on/off. Each ESP is controlled by my smartphone in STA mode by IP address. This works fine so far. For each ESP I have a shortcut on my smartphone. Means many shortcuts on the phone. Now I tried to put a link on the HTML page of one of the ESP what is having the IP to direct the browser to the next ESP with the IP If I click on the link its not working, in the address field it shows: . Is it possible to direct the browser to the 100 page and how? Thank you in advance!
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By QuickFix
DerHexer wrote:Is it possible to direct the browser to the 100 page and how?

Yes, everything is possible, but you're not giving us much to go on. :?
It sounds like you're actually having an HTML-coding problem, which is not really something to discuss on a forum like this.

We're always very fond of code, schematics and pictures to help someone in trouble. :idea: