I have a esp8266 module and I have successfully connected to a local web server on my wifi as well as created an account on adafruit.io where I can connect to my board via www. and do functions such as digital read and write.
My question is: Does a a www. platform exist where you can have the same freedom as a local web server to create custom input boxes and buttons that communicate to the esp?
For example, if I wanted to build a robotic arm that could type on a keyboard, I would have in my web server a text box. If I typed "hello world" in my text box, my arm would type out that word. Perhaps my web server would also have a timer and I could set my timer to 3 hours, exit the webpage and the esp would delay the typing output for 3 hours.
Are there any tutorials or projects you know of that have something similar that use a www. platform to interface their Iot device and do more than simple read and writes? I only see projects where people are reading sensor values or changing an analog value on a multi colour LED.
I'm pretty new to this world of web interfaces so excuse my terminology!
I'd love to hear your suggestions.