McChubby007 wrote:Fair enough I will do more study to get it going.Paul1955 wrote:I have a couple of ESP8266 modules which I wish to use and after following tutorials, keep getting errors on uploading. I don't really know what I am doing. I follow what is said but seems nothing seems to line up exactly and instructions are not that easy to follow. I don't want to read endless diatribe which I seem to get referred to, just answers on getting things going. I wish to build a web server that I can read temperature from DS18B20 sensors. So any suggestions???
So to paraphrase, you are clueless and can't be bothered to do some groundwork. But you are happy for others to do it for you. You fit into a category that I refuse to help, and the reason I'm telling you this, is because many others will think similarly. So do yourself a favour.