It's first time project with ESP8266 and the question are a lot.
I'm a little bit noob olso in arduino, I work for industrial automation but everything is different
Looking on google there's a lot of example but anyone answer me complitely.
I have a wemos d1 and I have to check external temperature and control two heater with two ds18b20 built in, maybe four I don't know.
The first question is the simple way to share data from webserver and software
In this moment I'm refresh variables via json data and it works but I have a lot of variables to share and the string will be very long.
html side
setInterval(GetData, 2000);
function GetData(){
//Get Humidity Temperature
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
var txt = this.responseText;
var obj = JSON.parse(txt); //Ref:
document.getElementById("temp").innerHTML = obj.Temperature;
document.getElementById("humidity").innerHTML = obj.Humidity;
document.getElementById("dewpoint").innerHTML = obj.DewPoint;
document.getElementById("FascState0").value = obj.FascState0;
document.getElementById("FascState1").value = obj.FascState1;
document.getElementById("FascState2").value = obj.FascState2;
document.getElementById("FascState3").value = obj.FascState3;
document.getElementById("FascCy0").value = obj.FascCy0;
document.getElementById("FascCy1").value = obj.FascCy1;
document.getElementById("FascCy2").value = obj.FascCy2;
document.getElementById("FascCy3").value = obj.FascCy3;
};"GET", "readHomePageData", true); //Handle readADC server on ESP8266
arduino side
void handleHomePageData() {
//Refresh dati Home Page
String data = "{\"Temperature\":\""+ String(temperature) +"\", \"Humidity\":\""+ String(humidity) +"\", \"DewPoint\":\""+ String(Tr) +"\", \"FascState0\":\""+ FascState0 +"\", \"FascState1\":\""+ FascState1 +"\", \"FascState2\":\""+ FascState2 +"\", \"FascState3\":\""+ FascState3 +"\", \"FascCy0\":\""+ FascCy0 +"\", \"FascCy1\":\""+ FascCy1 +"\", \"FascCy2\":\""+ FascCy2 +"\", \"FascCy3\":\""+ FascCy3 +"\"}";
server.send(200, "text/plane", data); //Send JSON to client ajax request
For the buttom I switch the text everytime are clicked, at the moment I have to wait the two secondo of json refresh, the code I use is this, I use this function wid led input for understand which one buttom is pressed.
I have found this code from the internet but I'm sure that it can be optimized cause there's some code I don't use but I want to understand better.
In the case of the buttom I would like to switch the text directly withot waiting the 2second of refresh, taking in consideration that the buttom have different ID
html side
function sendData(led) {
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
//document.getElementById("FascState").value = I dont' knwo whati is this!
//this.responseText; //and this!! But we wait that ajax is ready so I think it's important but olso commented it work
};"GET", "setFASC?FASCstate="+led, true);
arduino side
void handleONFasc() {
String FascState;
String t_state = server.arg("FASCstate"); //Refer"GET", "setLED?LEDstate="+led, true);
if(t_state == "0"){ if (OnFasc[0]==1) {FascState0 = "OFF"; OnFasc[0]=0; Serial.println("1spenta!");} else {OnFasc[0]=1; FascState0 = "ON"; Serial.println("1accesa!");}}
if(t_state == "1"){ if (OnFasc[1]==1) {FascState1 = "OFF"; OnFasc[1]=0; Serial.println("2spenta!");} else {OnFasc[1]=1; FascState1 = "ON"; Serial.println("2accesa!");}}
if(t_state == "2"){ if (OnFasc[2]==1) {FascState2 = "OFF"; OnFasc[2]=0; Serial.println("3spenta!");} else {OnFasc[2]=1; FascState2 = "ON"; Serial.println("3accesa!");}}
if(t_state == "3"){ if (OnFasc[3]==1) {FascState3 = "OFF"; OnFasc[3]=0; Serial.println("4spenta!");} else {OnFasc[3]=1; FascState3 = "ON"; Serial.println("4accesa!");}}
if(t_state == "10"){ if (FascCycl[0]==1) {FascCy0 = "MANU"; FascCycl[0]=0; Serial.println("1Manuale!");} else {FascCycl[0]=1; FascCy0 = "AUTO"; Serial.println("1Automatica!");}}
if(t_state == "11"){ if (FascCycl[1]==1) {FascCy1 = "MANU"; FascCycl[1]=0; Serial.println("2Manuale!");} else {FascCycl[1]=1; FascCy1 = "AUTO"; Serial.println("2Automatica!");}}
if(t_state == "12"){ if (FascCycl[2]==1) {FascCy2 = "MANU"; FascCycl[2]=0; Serial.println("3Manuale!");} else {FascCycl[2]=1; FascCy2 = "AUTO"; Serial.println("3Automatica!");}}
if(t_state == "13"){ if (FascCycl[3]==1) {FascCy3 = "MANU"; FascCycl[3]=0; Serial.println("4Manuale!");} else {FascCycl[3]=1; FascCy3 = "AUTO"; Serial.println("4Automatica!");}}
server.send(200, "text/plane", FascState); //Send web page1 WHY THIS??
For the slider I'v found this solution based on the button one, it's correct? It can be changed?
html side
<input type="button" class="manauto" id = "FascState0" onclick="sendData(0)" value="ON" /> <input type="button" class="manauto" id = "FascCy0" onclick="sendData(10)" value="AUTO" />
function SlideValue1(slidevalue) {
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
var x
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
x= document.getElementById("Slide1").value = // What is this??
this.responseText; //I really need??
};"GET", "valueFASC1?SLDstate="+slidevalue, true);
arduino side
void handleValuesFasc1() {
String ValueFasc;
String t_value = server.arg("SLDstate"); //Refer"GET", "SLDstate?LEDstate="+led, true);
ValueFasc = t_value;
//server.send(200, "text/plane", ValueFasc); //Send web page1
Last question,I have to make two pid, I know what is and how it work but I never used in arduino.
Some example I found are not noob level, my idea is not using interrupt or timer for my easiness and bieng a slow heater I don't need a excessive fast respose from the sistem...maybe(? ) wich is the best solution (I've seen some libraries that don't need an implementation on the code about timer and interrupt request)?
Thank you for all the answer!