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By WiFiHatesMe
#87503 So I am pretty new to Arduino and working with WiFi Modules. I have looked up a few tutorials on how to get the ESP8266 01S to work with the Arduino uno and one of the things I saw was being able to send AT commands to the wifi chip. It seems that whenever I send AT to the serial monitor of the Arduino IDE, I never get a response back. I am using a baud rate of 115200 and NL & CR which is what you are suppose to use if I am correct.
I have the TX connected to TX and RX connected to RX. The En and 3.3 pins are connected to the uno's 3.3v output pin and ground is connected to ground. I have even tried swapping the RX and TX pins, but that didn't seem to do anything. I even have the ESP8266 library installed on the Arduino IDE

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, that would be the bee's knees.
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By AcmeUK
#87512 Are you able to get the ESP to respond to AT commands using a direct serial connection?

There are many posts here about not being able to get an Arduino to work with an ESP8266 using AT commands such as these examples:-

Unless you have a specific need to use the Uno, you should consider using an ESP module, such as the Wemos D1 Mini or the NodeMCU.
These modules are supported by the Arduino IDE and the ESP chip has most of the capabilities of the Atmel chips.
There is a multitude of example sketches showing how to read and write to the ESP pins and send data using Wifi.
Do yourself a favor and ditch the Uno and AT commands, I Did!
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By cult_cages
#87520 If your new you should always start at the bottom to isolate all the variables you have to troubleshoot. Get one thing working good and then move on... I've only used the esp8266 with usb and had great success with this tutorial to get everything working. ... P8266.html