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By flagtrax
#88006 Geesh, so sorry, I should have better proof read the post. The one board is a Lolin ESP 8266 developement board, the other is a generic ESP8266 - 12 on a breakout board. I used Rui Santos' ESPAsyncWebserver example as a start and copy/pasted the "includes" etc. to get started. I should mention I'm a lousy typer :? . That being said, I actually didn't know about the incorrect Platform I/O statement. (in my case probably not needed anyway)Thanks for that. I should also add that (if my old memory is correct) I had used the ESPAsyncWebserver in several other projects, and used my laptop for testing, and don't recall this happening. Since then there have been several major Windows 10 updates. Another thing I'd never seen before was when I shut down the laptop last night, there were 5 notices in the notification area on the right stating that the network I had chosen was insecure and to choose another. Again, never saw that before last night. I didn't know of Wireshark, I'll check into that. Thanks for your interest and guidance.