I'm currently working on a "smart scale" using a NodeMCU ESP8266 and a HX711 analog amplifier. I was looking for a way to power all the system using a 9V battery, but it seems the ESP is absorbing too much current: in normal operations (getting the weight of the person and blinking some LEDs) I measured a consumption of about 80-90 mA, which seems normal, and of ca. 15.7 mA while in deep sleep. Here is the problem: I read it's possible to achieve a power consumption as low as 0.8 mA during deep sleep, and it's stated in the HX711 datasheet that the chip should use around 1 uA during power down.
I read lots of posts about deep sleep and no one seems to be clear about deep sleep state and the chip consumption...
Could anyone help me out? Is there a way I can further reduce the ESP consumption during deep sleep?
Thanks to all!