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By Sergkit
#72468 1. For NodeMCU user init wire (like wire.begin(D1,D2)) separately and exclude this initialisation from CCS811 library
2. Connect some pins of the breadbord: nWake to gnd and nReset to power
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By alucm
Petr Lukas wrote:Same problem here, let me know if you find a solution. I use my own sketch (no library) and I'm able to read from sensor's register basic informations about sensor (STATUS,HW_ID,HW_VERSION...) but when I try to switch to app mode by

Code: Select allWire.beginTransmission(CCS811_ADDR);
Wire.write(APP_START);  //0xF4

ESP8266 (I use Wemos D1 Pro) goes to soft reset (the same issue as you have)...
I use combo sensor CJMCU-8118 with HDC1080 humidity/thermometer. The second sensor on the board works fine without issues. Also no issues with both sensors on Arduino Uno.

Did it finally work? What did you do to make it work?