- Sun Dec 30, 2018 10:23 pm
Hi, I didn't use NodeMCU but used a generic ESP8266 board. The same error message bothered me a lot when I started using it, but it was solved when I realised that for my generic board, I had to manually pull the GPIO0 pin down to ground. (All press en button --> boot button, equivalently)
I heard that NodeMCU can automatically enter the bootloader mode, so I guess my experience is probably not relevant to your problem. But maybe you can try this?
1. Unplug the USB cable, and connect the GPIO0 pin to the GND.
2. plug the USB cable and try uploading the code.
3. When upload is done, remove the GPIO0 --> GND connection wire and reboot the board.
By the way, when using esptool.py, the "chip_id" command may leave the board out of the bootloader mode, so before running the code upload, you may need to reboot the device when keeping GPIO0 connected to GND.
Not very likely that this will help you, but just share my experience with you