1. If someone could point out any information that would explain why I can read data just fine using Serial - USB converter by connecting data and ground cables from Helix 7 that would be great! Is serial - USB converter actually doing something about the signal that ESP8266 can’t do? With Tera Terminal I was able to read data just fine so I’d assume Helix 7 is sending readable signal. I guess I just don’t yet understand this topic enough to even ask the right questions. And since on one of the first posts on this thread I posted a link to R Heslip’s work and there was nothing about having special hardware, I’m having hard time adding extra hardware until I understand what should be added.
BTW any recommendations for a affordable scope?
2. About UART’s...I did some research and it looks as if the are 2 UART’s available for serial communication. UART0 (RX&TX Pins). UART0 pins can be swapped (to UART2) but it would still use the same UART0, just using it via different pins (13&15). UART0 is also being used with the USB. And then there is UART1 that can only send.
So if UART0 is busy listening USB and UART1 can’t be used for receiving and changing UART0 to pins 13&15 would still be the same UART0. How can we use serial monitor via USB to print information being received via UART0?
The ESP8266 has two hardware UARTS (Serial ports):
UART0 on pins 1 and 3 (TX0 and RX0 resp.), and UART1 on pins 2 and 8 (TX1 and RX1 resp.), however, GPIO8 is used to connect the flash chip. This means that UART1 can only transmit data.
UART0 also has hardware flow control on pins 15 and 13 (RTS0 and CTS0 resp.). These two pins can also be used as alternative TX0 and RX0 pins.