It's my first experience with this module and I want to do a sensor that will act as a switch. I'm not sure that the board I found would be suitable for what I want to do, so I'm here to ask
The parts I would buy would be:
- DS18B20 as temperature sensor
- 2 x relay already mounted on a relay board, like this: ... MXVGuQ.jpg
- 1x latching solenoid 12 v 500 ma (of course, with external power given by the relais, and that works as a latching mechanical relay )
why 2 relais?, because each one select the state of the solenoid, that has a set and a reset pin (open / closed)
Now, the ESP8266 module that I want to buy is this: ... 27651.html
If I did my homeworks right, I will need:
- 2 GPIO_OUT pins to control the relais
- 1 SPI port to control the DS18B20 temperature sensor
Will the board I chose fit with my needs? Will the board control the relay board (that is designed for arduinos 3.3v out) without power issues?
Thanks for your support!