Hi All!
No, for once, I don't have any questions!
I just wanted to say that after a couple of days of messing around, I now have my little "proof of concept" experiment up and running. I am so impressed...
I have two alarm timer loops going, one runs at a variable speed, polling the ADC each time for the interval. Depending on the results it flashes various LEDs. The other one is running as a pseudo-do-loop doing some quite involved mathematical calculations in the background. I am even computing log() in acceptable time, using the builtin-in math.power() routine, and an inverse Newton iteration. All this is working totally seamlessly with the wifi, with barely any perceptible loss of response speed.
OK, I've used most of my heap, but I can't begin to imagine what this thing is capable of if I drop to C!
Now I'm just waiting for those ADXL accelerometers and the WS2812B LED strip, and it should be party time.
Really remarkable piece of equipment. I've never done anything with any microcontroller before, not PIC, not Arduino, nada (never programmed in Lua before, for that matter), and I am amazed at how easy this all was.
HUGE thanks to everyone who has posted FAQs, tutorials, etc, couldn't have done it otherwise!