"PORT OPEN 115200
Communication with MCU..Got answer! Communication with MCU established.
AutoDetect firmware...
Can't autodetect firmware, because proper answer not received (may be unknown firmware).
Please, reset module or continue. " + a bunch of strange characters.
And when I tried to send simple program:
"Waiting answer from ESP - Timeout reached. Command aborted."
Baud rate: 115200
Serial port chooser: COM6 (I think it is not a mistake)
I have used this: https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-flasher
to flash. When I use Arduino IDE to send simply program (Blink), it works. Here are some photos of my NodeMCU: https://nettigo.pl/products/modul-wifi- ... sp8266-12e
I have tried to read documentation and search soultion on the Internet but I am only getting confused. Have you got any ideas how could I communicate with NodeMCU using ESPlorer?
Kind regards