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By liderbug
#69689 First, how many different 8266 boards are there. The box is labeled: Makerfocus ESP8266. It has uUSB with a Rst & Flash button on either side. My RPi is a 3b+. I can power up via a USB cable, blue LED blinks once and I can ping and get a local address of I've tried picocom - it either locks up or doesn't know what to do because I end up killing the process. http to says there's no web page. Only thing I can do is ping and nmap shows no ports open.

First thing I need/want to do is change the IP to (my local net). Then can I connect via the USB cable or do I have to connect GPIO to GPIO?

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By gdsports
#69841 On my Linux system, ESP8266 boards show up as /dev/ttyUSBx where x starts at 0. Try lsusb to see if you see the ESP8266 USB to serial chip.