I am using an STM32f7 Discovery Board to which I connected the ESP8266 via UART6.
I am trying to connect to a webradio and start streaming the mp3 data, receiving the data stream and storing it into an Array, then decoding and playing the mp3 sound with the STM32F7.
I am using C and uint_8 strings to send AT Commands to the ESP.
I was able to connect to different servers with TCP on port 80 and I can, for example, download and .m3u data wtih
uint8_t *tcpverbindung="AT+CIPSTART=\"TCP\",\"streams.br.de\",80\r\n"; //38
uint8_t *anzahlzusendenderbytes="AT+CIPSEND=53\r\n"; //15
uint8_t *getanfragehttp="GET http://streams.br.de/b5aktuell_2.m3u HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"; //53
however, I am having trouble connection to an mp3 stream and receiving data, because I dont know which AT Commands to use.
With the programm "wireshark" I have tested what a Computer does when connection to a webradio. It looks like its just a TCP Handshake, then there is a HTTP GET request and after that, the TCP communication goes on automatically.
Does anyone have an idea which Commands I would need to use?
For example, this:
uint8_t *getanfragehttp="GET /swr/swr3/live/mp3/128/stream.mp3 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: swr-swr3-live.cast.addradio.de\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n";
is returning what you see in the picture, as you can see, no data stream starting, just the information of the GET Request is returned.
It would be a very big help if anyone has an idea, thanks in advance for your time to read this.