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By d.alien
#73077 Hello,

Sorry for my very basic questions... my bad english and my only few neurones...

I downloaded ESPBasic and it run nicely from my smartphone.

Unfortunately, I can't have same thing from my PC, and despite a lot of trying I didn't succeed, and now I have no longer ideas.

Is my phone directly connected on the ESPBasic, or the connection is made througt the livebox ?

I tryed to set the ssid and password of the box in my esp (settings) and i tryed too to put an ip address that match with my local net without any succes. (obviousely, with mask and gateway)

Whère must I going to put a glance ? :|

my box is
my espbasic in setting (blablabla) and (password) and

Thanks a lot for some advices
