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By Flick
#74270 Hey everyone. I'm completely new to trying to figure out how I can use a wemos d1r1, relays, arduino IDE, and everything to accomplish my goal. Which is to be able to have a sketch with multiple loops that can be switched between, using a widget button on my phone across wifi.
I have already been able to get the board working sketches with single loops, both by direct upload using serial, and also OTA sketch uploads.

I am using:
wemos d1r1
8 channel relay board
Arduino IDE
smart phone

I think I am moving in the right direction, but have hit a wall in searching for more information on how to setup multiple loops, and a way to switch between them. Please keep in mind, I'm completely new to this all. I got my first UNO 2 months ago. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. Even if it's just pointing me in the right direction.

Thanks for your time.