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By clanggedin
#75661 Last year I built a helmet that has an 8x55 RGB LED screen on the front of it. I used a Wemos D1 mini and a level shifter to drive the lights using code written by someone else in FASTLED. My lights are currently set up to run off of pin D6 (12). I came across the espArtnetNode code that will let me use my matrix with Jinx through wifi.

For the life of me, I cannot figure out which line of code I need to change to pin 12 in the code.

Here in the declarations where I am guessing the code needs to be changed:

#define DMX_DIR_A 5 // D1
#define DMX_DIR_B 16 // D0
#define DMX_TX_A 1
#define DMX_TX_B 2

#define STATUS_LED_PIN 12
#define STATUS_LED_MODE_WS2812
// #define STATUS_LED_MODE_APA106
#define STATUS_LED_A 0 // Physical wiring order for status LEDs
#define STATUS_LED_B 1
#define STATUS_LED_S 2

I am guessing I need to change the pins labeled 2 (D4) to 12 (D6) and change the "STATUS_LED_PIN" to 2?

I am not a code guy in any way so I am not sure if this is the right place. I know the rest of the software works as I can get the sketch loaded and connected to my wifi, I just can get my matrix to light up, which I know works as well.

Here is a link to the code in question on GitHub:

Any suggestions?