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By johndoe71rus
#75677 I'm trying to make a template for my devices. I do not remember where I found this code on the network. Esp8266 creates an AP, on the page you can select the available network wifi and connect. If there is a power failure, there are situations when the esp created its AP and at the same time it is available in the home network. 2 connections are created. it is safe? A hacker can connect to an esp ap and then explore the esp to find out the password from the home network?

commit: 2e67ff5
SSL: false
modules: adc,bme280,file,gpio,i2c,net,node,ow,spi,tmr,uart,wifi
build built on: 2017-09-28 04:15
powered by Lua 5.1.4 on SDK 2.1.0(116b762)
