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By cubbieco
#76749 I bought a batch of these Lol1n boards. I've tried all 5. In all cases I'm able to get the Arduino IDE to program it. However it won't run the program. I've tried the blink program with different ports for the LED (I think it is on 2 but I've tried 1 and 0 also) and also the CheckFlashConfig example. I get the garbage on the serial monitor when I first hit the reset but then nothing else. The led doesn't flash implying that it isn't trying to use the serial port on the check flash config. I've tried a wifi example but nothing happens there either.

I've tried with just the USB plugged in but I've also tried using a 3.3v regulator for power and still nothing. I've tried hooking a wire to put the "EN" pin high and nothing there. I've even tried using the Vin with 9volts on one board like I saw on a web page. Magic smoke erupted from that board so it is gone. I've reprogrammed them at least 30 times using different examples. Nothing seems to be working. Did I get a bad batch of boards?

I have some ESP-01 boards I bought a long time ago and I can successfully program those so I'm not a complete noob but something here isn't working and I can't think of anything else to try except to conclude all 5 boards are bad.