I need a little guidance.
I am creating an art installation that will convert ocean waves into data for triggering music with Max MSP or another program.
I have an Adafruit P2021 9-DOF Accel/Mag/Gyro + Temp... AND an ESP 8266 connected on a breadboard.
I have setup the ESP 8266 to use Arduino IDE through this page:
https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-fea ... rduino-ide
The IDE serial monitor says I have successfully connected.
Two questions:
1) How do I interact with the ESP8266 wirelessly? The ESP8266 still doesn't compile if the USB cable is disconnected.
2) How do I test that I am receiving signal from the Accel/Mag/Gyro etc.?
The two devices are wired on the breadboard together properly.
Thank you!