I have a couple of these that I bought a while ago on ebay and I find that I cannot get any output from the serial. Anyhow, I bought one off ebay called the V3 that has a built in USB to serial chip and 3.3V reg so hopefully I should be able to use it. What exactly is the v3? Is this a V1 with some bug fixes?
I have a few questions tho. What are the specs on the ADC converter on this device (I want to monitor battery voltage 12 lead acide) and what are the restrictions on the digital GPIOs D0-D9? ie. can they all be configured as inputs/outputs, (D8 & D9 are usable only if the serial is disabled, do I need to do anything special to this) and are any of these GPIOs able to interface (as inputs) directly to 5V logic?