I try to save my settings into a JSON file on my nginx-based webserver, but it doesn't work, I see an empty post-data reply and the file ends up empty. I couldn't find any better/working code around, so this is/are the function(s) I use that got me at least connected alright:
void writeSettingsWeb() {
Serial.println("= writeSettingsWeb: ");
String outputJson;
StaticJsonBuffer<256> jsonBuffer;
JsonObject &root = jsonBuffer.createObject();
root["SHA1"] = SHA1;
root["loghost"] = loghost;
root["httpsPort"] = httpsPort;
root["interval"] = interval;
root["temp_min"] = temp_min;
root["temp_max"] = temp_max;
root["temp_dev"] = temp_dev;
root["heater"] = heater;
root["manual"] = manual;
root["debug"] = debug;
//outputJson = serializeJson();
//String uploadJson = urlEncode(outputJson);
if (debug) {
Serial.print(F("Connecting to https://"));
Serial.println(loghost + ":" + httpsPort);
//Serial.println("outputJson=|" + outputJson + "|");
HTTPClient http;
//WiFiClientSecure client;
BearSSL::WiFiClientSecure *client = new BearSSL::WiFiClientSecure ;
bool mfln = client->probeMaxFragmentLength(loghost, 443, 1024);
Serial.printf("Maximum fragment Length negotiation supported: %s\n", mfln ? "yes" : "no");
if (mfln) {
client->setBufferSizes(1024, 1024);
String msg = String("'device=" + hostname + "&uploadJson=" + outputJson + "'");
Serial.print(F("Posting data: "));
if (http.begin(*client, loghost, httpsPort, "/upload.php", true)) {
http.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
http.addHeader("User-Agent", "BuildFailureDetectorESP8266");
http.addHeader("Host", String(loghost + ":" + httpsPort));
http.addHeader("Content-Length", String(msg.length()));
int httpCode = http.POST(msg);
if (httpCode > 0) {
// HTTP header has been send and Server response header has been handled
Serial.printf("[HTTPS] code: %d\n", httpCode);
// file found at server
if (httpCode == HTTP_CODE_OK || httpCode == HTTP_CODE_MOVED_PERMANENTLY) {
String payload = http.getString();
} else {
Serial.println("[HTTPS] failed, error: " + String(httpCode) + " = " + http.errorToString(httpCode).c_str());
} else {
Serial.printf("[HTTPS] Unable to connect\n");
void from_str() {
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 60; i = i + 3) {
String x = ("0x" + SHA1.substring(i, i+2));
sha1[j] = strtoul(x.c_str(), NULL, 16);
this is the php part on the webserver:
$filename = "settings-Donbot-test.json";
if (isset($_POST)) {
file_put_contents($filename, $_POST['uploadJson']);
print '<pre>';
print '</pre>';
} else {
error_log("No POST data");
and this is the result I see on the serial console:
= writeSettingsWeb:
Connecting to https://temperature.foo.com:443
Maximum fragment Length negotiation supported: yes
Posting data: 'device=Donbot&uploadJson={"SHA1":"B5:1F:7A:61:AE:D3:82:4A:D3:94:ED:D7:44:98:F0:E2:60:39:52:A5","loghost":"temperature.foo.com","httpsPort":443,"in
[HTTPS] code: 200
39% [|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
if I try with curl, it works as expected:
$ curl --data 'device=Donbot&uploadJson={"SHA1":"B5:1F:7A:61:AE:D3:82:4A:D3:94:ED:D7:44:98:F0:E2:60:39:52:A5","loghost":"temperature.foo.com","httpsPort":443,"interval":300000,"temp_min":24,"temp_max":26,"temp_dev":-1.5,"heater":true,"manual":false,"debug":true}' https://temperature.foo.com/upload.php
[device] => Donbot
[uploadJson] => {"SHA1":"B5:1F:7A:61:AE:D3:82:4A:D3:94:ED:D7:44:98:F0:E2:60:39:52:A5","loghost":"temperature.foo.com","httpsPort":443,"interval":300000,"temp_min":24,"temp_max":26,"temp_dev":-1.5,"heater":true,"manual":false,"debug":true}
$ cat settings-Donbot-test.json
the error log show nothing and in the access log I see just this:
[15/Apr/2019:00:24:12 +0200] "POST /upload.php HTTP/1.1" 200 32 "-" "ESP8266HTTPClient"
Do you need some more info, or can you see an error already? I am pretty new at the programming part.