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By Kunal Gupta
#87003 i am using nodemcu and wants to use AT commands so downloading the NON OTA Firmware in it . But i cant find the eagle.flash.bin and eagle.irom0text.bin files in the sdk folder of the esp8266 which i download from this link

Also one more query

1) In the functional block diagram of the esp8266 the yellow colour FLASH block is the external Spi flash/ programmable ROM ????.
2) Also in the CPU topic in the datasheet it is written that CPU is interfaced with
• Programmable RAM/ROM interfaces (iBus), which can be connected with memory
controller, and can also be used to visit flash.
• Data RAM interface (dBus), which can connected with memory controller.
hoping to get the reply as early

Now here if i see the block diagram so is my data RAM and programmable RAM both are same that is SRAM or they are different ??? If different then where are they in the block diagram

3) when we download firmware in the esp8266 different address are given for downloading the binary files in THE FLASH MEMORY of the esp8266.
As we know CPU interracts with only RAM OR Processor register after downloading the firmware in the Flash memory which is external spi flash the data is send to SRAM or processor register?????