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By Randomized ESP
#87912 Hello,

quite new to ESP-world.
I've successfully used a NodeMCU before, which has a nice USB-connector, but am struggling with setting up ESP8266-12E's.

I use Arduino 1.8.10 with Generic ESP8266 Board Module.
Upon Uploading the sketch it gives an error:
"esptool.FatalError: Failed to connect to ESP8266: Timed out waiting for packet header".

The setup is as follows:
Windows 10 PC-> USB to TTL adapter ->ESP8266.

The wires are connecting this way:
The 3.3V goes to VCC
Gnd to GND

I've flashed Tasmota onto Sonoffs using the same wiring and USB->TTL, so the hardware should be working.

Maybe I'm just overlooking something.

Kind regards for any help in this case :)
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By Randomized ESP
#87923 I have tried to find information regarding this error, but couldn't find anything that helps.
Besides, I am using the ESP8266-12E, it doesnt even have pins, that's part of the issue. The NodeMCU devboard has pins and I can connect to it, but the ESP8266-12E just has those tiny holes, not a single pin to pull on.