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By Andrei Bucur
#45146 Hi,

In the attachment picture I have the circuit:

Yellow wire it's going to ESP's pin RST
Blue wire it's the signal ... to simulate an alarm I put it on +3.3V, the circuit is working, the RST pin is going to ground for a few milliseconds and the ESP is resetting. After the "alarm" if I put it again to +3.3v the ESP it's not resetting.

To make it work again I must put the blue wire to discharge the capacitor (on the red arrow or at GND) .. this is like an "reactivating" the system after an alarm.

If I pull up the capacitor and +3.3v is present in the gate the transistor is keeping the RST pin to ground as long as the power exists in the gate (in this situation the ESP is resetting only after the alarm)

I simullated the circuit on Proteus and the same result :(

thank you